FRI, NOV 8, 2024
Pageant info
The pageant has been
held since 2010 and has received the greatest popularity. The event is promoted by co-organizers, corporate partners, chambers of Commerce, contestants, and local media channels.
The pageant has been held since 2010 and has received the greatest popularity. The event is promoted by co-organizers, corporate partners, chambers of Commerce, contestants, and local media channels.
The pageant finale is by invitations only. The audience includes 400 highly acclaimed Slavic and American VIP guests.
For more information about the pageant
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All sponsors will receive widespread publicity at the pageant, on website, social media and also partner media.
sponsorship packages
Presenting Sponsor
Photo Sponsor
· Reserved VIP Table for up to 2 guests
· 2 passes to VIP Reception admission tickets
· Full page advertisement display in the event program
· Stage acknowledgement by the MCs
· Logo recognition on multiple overhead screens
· Recognition online and on social media channels
· Recognition in all event related promo materials
· Photo banner with logo at VIP Reception area
· Reserved VIP Table for up to 2 guests
· 2 passes to VIP Reception admission tickets
· Full page advertisement display in the event program
· Stage acknowledgement by the MCs
· Logo recognition on multiple overhead screens
· Recognition at VIP Reception
Video Sponsor
Jewelry Sponsor
· Reserved VIP Table for up to 4 guests admission tickets
· 4 passes to VIP Reception
· Full page advertisement display in the event program
· Stage acknowledgement by the MCs
· Logo recognition on multiple overhead screens
· Recognition online and on social media channels
· Recognition in all event related promo materials
· Jewelry pieces presentation on the stage
T-shirt Sponsor
· Reserved up to 2 guests at the Gala
· 2 passes to VIP Reception admission tickets
· Logo in the event program
· Logo recognition on multiple overhead screens
· Reserved up to 2 guests at the Gala
· 2 passes to VIP Reception admission tickets
· 1/4 page advertisement display in the event program
· Stage acknowledgment by the MCs
· Logo recognition on multiple overhead screens
· Recognition online and on social media channels
Album Sponsor
Table Sponsor
· Reserved VIP Table for up to 4 guests
· 4 passes to VIP Reception admission tickets
· Half page advertisement display in the event program
· Stage acknowledgement by the MCs
· Logo recognition on multiple overhead screens
· Recognition online and on social media channel
· Reserved VIP Table for up to 2 guests
· 2 passes to VIP Reception admission tickets
· Full page advertisement display in the event program
· Stage acknowledgement by the MCs
· Logo recognition on multiple overhead screens
· Recognition online and on social media channels
· Recognition in all event related promo materials
Voting Sponsor
· Reserved 2 guests at the Gala
· 2 passes to VIP Reception admission tickets
· Company Name in the event program
· Company Name recognition on multiple overhead screens
Friends of Ram
If you are interested to be a sponsor — fill in the form below
VIP tickets
Request a ticket
for Invitational Event
sponsors & quests reviews
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